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Nessuna grande mente è mai esistita senza un pizzico di follia

Conference: Nessuna grande mente è mai esistita senza un pizzico di follia
Date: Saturday, September 12 2020 
Location: V Festival Culturale, Acqui Terme
My Speech: Inconvenient Women, crazy Women. Stories of Italy in the early twentieth Century (in Italian)


Colori ebraici del Rinascimento

Conference (online): Colori ebraici del Rinascimento
Conference with Giulio Busi (Freie Universität Berlin)
Date: Wednesday, May 20th, 2020 
Location: Facebook of Centro Culturale Primo Levi, Genua
My Speech: The fruitful Wechselwirkungen between  Jews and Christians in the Renaissance: the Roverella Altarpiece (1475) of Cosmè Tura and the Ferrara Bible (1553) (in Italian)


La pietra nera del ricordo e la testimonianza di Liliana Segre

Conference: La pietra nera del ricordo e la testimonianza di Liliana Segre. Presentation of Giulio Busi's book  "La pietra nera del ricordo. Giorno della memoria, 2001-2020, con un contributo di Silvana Greco su Liliana Segre (Il Sole 24 Ore, 2020) with the author Giulio Busi (Freie Universität Berlin),, Roberto Jarach (President of The Shoah Memorial in Milan) and Marco Vigevani (President of the Events Commitee of the Shoah Memorial) 
Date: Tuesday, January 14th, 2020
Location: Il Memoriale della Shoah di Milano, Milan 
My Speech: The Testimony of Liliana Segre and her Struggle for Recognition (in Italian)


Citta di luce. La mistica ebraica dei palazzi celesti 

Conference: Citta di luce. La mistica ebraica dei palazzi celesti  
Presentation of Giulio Busi's book: Citta di luce. La mistica ebraica dei palazzi celesti (Einaudi, 2019), with the author Giulio Busi (Freie Universität Berlin) and Mauro Bersani (Einaudi)
Date: Friday, December 13th, 2019
Location: Punto Einaudi (Via della Commenda 28), Milan
My Speech: Introducing the book and dialogue wiith the author (in Italian)


Die Renaissance spricht Hebräisch

Conference: Die Renaissance spricht Hebräisch, with Giulio Busi (Freie Universität Berlin)
Date: Tuesday, December 10th, 2019 
Location: Technische Unversität Dresden, Dresden
My Speech: The Renaissance speaks Hebrew form a Sociological Perspective (in German)


Rinascimento plurale. Ibridazioni linguistiche e socioculturali tra Quattro e Cinquecento 

Conference: Il Rinascimento plurale. Ibridazioni linguistiche e socioculturali tra Quattro e Cinquecento.
Conference with Simonetta Della Seta (Director of MEIS), Giulio Busi (Freie Universität Berlin), Raphael Ebgi (Freie Universität Berlin), Saverio Campanini (Università degli Studi di Bologna) 
Date: Tuesday, September 10th, 2019 
Location: MEIS - Museo dell'ebraismo italiano e della Schoah, Ferrara 
My Speech: Sociology of Judaism in Italy during the Renaissance: A first Overview (in Italian)


Piccola autobiografia di mio padre

Conference: Piccola autobiografia di mio padre (Schulim Vogelmann)
Presentation of Daniel Vogelman's book "Piccola biografia di mio padre" (Giuntina, 2019 with the author
Date: Fridaday, September 6th, 2019 
Location: Festivaletteratura di Mantova, Mantua
My Speech: Introduction of the book and dialogue with the author together with Giulio Busi (in Italian)


Ein Atélier für sich selbst und für den Anderen: Die doppelte Präsenz von Emma Dessau Goitein (1877-1968) 

Conference: Ein Atélier für sich selbst und für den Anderen: Die doppelte Präsenz von Emma Dessau Goitein (1877-1968)
Date: Monday, June 3rd, 2019 
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin 
My Speech: Ein Atélier für sich selbst und für den Anderen: Die doppelte Präsenz von Emma Dessau Goitein (1877-1968 (in German)


Renaissance speaks Hebrew 

Conference: The Renaissance speaks Hebrew 
with Dario Disegni (President of Museo Nazionale dell'ebraismo italiano e della Shoah - MEIS), Simonetta Della Seta (Director of MEIS), Giulio Busi (Freie Universität Berlin). Presentation of MEIS and the last art exhibition "The Renaissance speaks Hebrew", curated by Giulio Busi and Silvana Greco
Date: Wednesday, May 29th, 2019 
Location: University Club of New York, New York 
My Speech: Virdimura from Sicily: A Jewish Woman of the Renaissance (in English)


Political Jews? Rhetoric and Politicization among Jews in enlightened and Revolutionary Europe (18th-19th Centuries)

Conference: Political Jews? Rhetoric and Politicization among Jews in enlightened and revolutionary Europe (18th-19th Centuries)
Date: Tuesday, May 14th, 2019
Location: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris
My Speech: What Scholem didn’t (want to) see: Moses Dobrushka as a Founder of sociological Thought (in English)


Rinascimento plurale. La cultura ebraica in Italia tra XV et le XVI secolo 

Conference: Il Rinascimento parla ebraico - La Renaissance parle hébreu,
with Simonetta Della Seta (Director of MEIS - Museo Nazionale dell'ebraismo italiano e della Shoah), Giulio Busi (Freie Universität Berlin) and Claire Decomps (MAHJ, Musée d'Art et d'Histoire du Judaisme) 
Date: Monday, May 13th, 2019 
Location: Istituto italiano di Cultura di Parigi, Paris
My Speech: The Role of Jewish Women in the Renaissance (in French)


Die Renaissance spricht Hebräisch - Il Rinascimento parla ebraico

Conference: Die Renaissance spricht Hebräisch - Il Rinascimento parla ebraico - with Luigi Mattiolo (Italian Ambassador in Berlin),  Simonetta Della Seta (Director of MEIS - Museo Nazionale dell'ebraismo italiano e della Shoah) Giulio Busi (Director of Institut für Judaistik der Freien Universität Berlin) and Bernhard Huss (Director of Italienzentrum der Freien Universität Berlin)
Date: Monday, May 7, 2019 
Location: Ambasciata italiana di Berlino, Berlin
My Speech: The Renaissance speaks Hebrew and the role of Jewish Women  (in German)


Il Rinascimento parla ebraico

Conference: Il Rinascimento parla ebraico 
Conference with Giulio Busi (Freie Universität Berlin)
Date: Monday, January 21st, 2019 
Location: Il Ponte, Palazzo Crivelli, Milan
My Speech: The Role of Jews in the Renaissance from a sociological Perspective (in Italian)


Creative Locations. Arts, Culture & the City

Conference: Creative Locations. Arts, Culture & the City (10th Midterm Conference of the European Research Networks Sociology of Art & Sociology of Culture)
Date: Thursday, September 6th, 2018  
Location: University of Malta, Malta
My Speech: Women Visual Artists from the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) after the Fall of the Berlin Wall. From Identity Loss to social Integration (in English)


The Role of Appearance in Competition in the Workplace

Conference: Healthier Societies fostering healthy organizations
Date: Friday, August 31st, 2018
Location: University of Florence, Florence
My Speech: The role of appearance in competition in the workplace and the negotiation between profound and institutional identity in appearance (by Silvana Greco, Márta Fülöp and Zsófia Szabó) 


Hannah Arendt: Her Intellectual struggle against Antisemitism 

Conference: Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften (The long Night of Science) 
Date: Saturday, June 9th, 2018
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin
My Speech: Hannah Arendt: Her intellectual Struggle against Antisemitism and Totalitarianism (in German)


Body and Appearance in the Marketing Sector

Conference: Becoming Professionals in Marketing and Communication
Date: Wednesday, April 11th, 2018
Location: University of Perugia, Perugia
My Speech: Body and Appearance in the Marketing Sector (in Italian) 


Corporeità esibita e sofferta nel mondo del lavoro. Dal marketing ai servizi sociali 

Conference: Corporeità esibita e sofferta nel mondo del lavoro. Dal marketing ai servizi sociali 
Date: Monday, April 9th, 2018 
Location: Università degli Studi di Perugia, Perugia
My Speech: Exhibited and suffered Corporeity at the workplace. From Marketing to social Services (in Italian)


Gli intellettuali/scrittori ebrei e il dovere della testimonianza. In ricordo di Giorgio Bassani 

Conference: Gli intellettuali/scrittori ebrei e il dovere della testimonianza. In ricordo di Giorgio Bassani. 
Presentation of the book with the same title edited by Anna Dolfi with the author and introduced by Simonetta Della Seta (Director of MEIS), Other participants: Giulio Busi (Freie Universität Berlin), Portia Preybs, Marcella Ravenna, Gianni Venturi, Daniel Vogelmann.
Date: Wednesday, March 1st, 2018 
Location: Museo Nazionale dell’ebraismo italiano e della Shoah, Ferrara 
My Speech: The Testimony of Elias Canetti. Reflections from his "Crowds and Power" (1960) (in Italian)


Esibito, digitale, sofferto: il corpo dei giovani nel precario mondo del lavoro 

Conference: Esibito, digitale, sofferto: il corpo dei giovani nel precario mondo del lavoro 
Date: Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018 
Location: Italienzentrum - Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin 
My Speech: Exhibit, digital, suffered: The Body of young People in the precarious World of Work (in Italian)


Von himmlischen Palästen zu irdischen Synagogen 

Conference: Von himmlischen Palästen zu irdischen Synagogen 
Date: Wednesday, October 25th, 2017 
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin
My Speech:  Soziologie des Judentums in Deutschland vor und nach der Shoah (in German)


Musik macht frei. Die Überwindung der Leiden der zweiten Generation von Shoah-Überlebenden durch die Musik  

Conference: Musik macht frei. Die Überwindung der Leiden der zweiten Generation von Shoah-Überlebenden durch die Musik 
Date: Monday, May 22nd, 2017
Location: Momo, Berlin 
My Speech: Musik macht frei. Die Überwindung der Leiden der zweiten Generation von Shoah-Überlebenden durch die Musik (in German)


Spiel weiter. Play again. The moral strength of the Second-Generation Holocaust survivors of the Shoah has been to keep living 

Conference: Spiel weiter. Play again. The moral strength of the Children of the Shoah has been to keep living.
Presentation of the documenrary directed by Israel Cesare Moscati "Suona ancore" (Play again) 
Date: Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin
My Speech: Introduction: The Second-and Third Generation of Holocaust Survivors (in German)


Gli intellettuali/scrittori ebrei e il dovere della testimonianza. In ricordo di Giorgio Bassani

Conference: Gli intellettuali/scrittori ebrei e il dovere della testimonianza. In ricordo di Giorgio Bassani
Date: Monday-Wednesday, November 7-9th, 2016 
Location: Universirsity of Florence, Florence
My Speech: Death is the the coin of power. The irredent twentieth Century of Elias Canetti (in Italian)


Una voce soltanto. Nelly Sachs e l'incontro con un Dio calato nell'alfabeto 

Conference: Una voce soltanto. Nelly Sachs e l'incontro con un Dio calato nell'alfabeto, 
Conference with Giulio Busi and Anna Ruchat
Date: Thursdday, September 8th, 2016
Location: Festivaletteratura di Mantova, Mantua 
My Speech: Nelly Sachs: Migrant identity between Recognition and Miscognition (in Italian)


Body image, appearance and self-presentation in the workplace: Advantages and discrimination for embodied workers 

Conference: Body image, appearance and self-presentation in the workplace: Advantages and discrimination for embodied workers 
Date: Thursday, June 30rd, 2016 
Location: Royal College Surgeons of England, London
My Speech: Body image, appearance and self-presentation in the workplace: Advantages and discrimination for embodied workers (in English)


Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2016  

Conference: Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2016 
Date: Saturday, June 11th, 2016 
Location: Institut für Judaistik - Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin
My Speech: Visual Art against Violence. The life painter Charlotte Salomon (1917-1943) from Berlin (in German)


Die Juden aus Lybien mit der Sängerin Miriam Meghnagi  

Conference: Il Die Juden aus Lybien mit der Sängerin Miriam Meghnagi
Date: Thursday, January 28th, 2016  
Location: Institut für Judaistik - Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin
My Speech: Introduction about the the Jews in Libya and a dialogue with Miriam Meghnagi (in English)


Lombardia Judaica. Fatti e figure dell’ebraismo lombardo fra Rinascimento ed età moderna 

Conference: Lombardia Judaica. Fatti e figure dell’ebraismo lombardo fra Rinascimento ed età moderna 
Date: Sunday, October 11th, 2015
Location: Fondazione Palazzo Bondoni Pastorio, Castiglione delle Stiviere
My Speech: From Milan to Auschwitz. Liliana Segre and her exemplary Testimony for the Memory of the Shoah (in Italian)


Orchidee oder Mimose? Ein halbes Jahrhundert Forschung und Lehre über das Judentum im Deutschsprachigen Raum 

Conference: Orchidee oder Mimose? Ein halbes Jahrhundert Forschung und Lehre über das Judentum im Deutschsprachigen Raum
Date: Wednesday, July 1st, 2015
Location: Universität Hamburg, Hamburg 
My Speech: Sociology of Judaism: Relevant Research Fields, Perspectives and Methods  (in German)


Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2015

Conference: Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2015
Date: Saturday, June 13th, 2015 
Location: Institut für Judaistik - Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin 
My Speech: The Secret of Marranos between Judaism and Christianity (in German)


Identità ebraica attraverso i secoli 

Conference: Identità ebraica attraverso i secoli 
Date: Monday, March 19-20, 2015
Location: Fondazione Palazzo, Bondoni Pastorio, Castiglione delle Stiviere
My Speech: Jewish Identity through the Centuries: A historical-sociological approach (in Italian)


Großer Neubau für die Kleinen Fächer der Freien Universität Berlin 

Conference: Konferenz für den Großen Neubau für die Kleinen Fächer der Freien Universität Berlin
Date: Tuesday, April 21st, 2015
Location: Freie Universität Berlin - Institut für Judaistik, Berlin
My Speech: Sociology of Judaism. Tradition and Innovation (in German)


Religione ed emozioni: dalle sacre scritture alla qabbalah luriana a Safed 

Conference: Religione ed emozioni: dalle sacre scritture alla qabbalah luriana a Safed 
Date: Tuesday, March 31st, 2015
Location: University of Milan, Milan
My Speech: Religion and Emotions: From the Holy Scriptures to the luriana Qabbalah in Safed (in Italian)


Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften (2014) 

Conference: Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften (2014) 
Date: Saturday, May 10th, 2014 
Location: Institut für Judaistik - Freie Univrsität Berlin, Berlin
My Speech: The Role of Jews in the Renaissance from a sociological Perspective (in German)


Appearance matters: Tackling the Physical & Psychological Consequences of Dissatisfaction with Appearance

Conference: International Conference of the COST Action 1210 – Appearance matters: Tackling the Physical & Psychological Consequences of Dissatisfaction with Appearance
Date: Tuesday-Thursday, November 5-7, 2013
Location:  Fondazione Palazzo Bondoni Pastorio, Castiglione delle Stiviere
My Speech: Social and Cultural Issues related to Appearance Dissatisfaction (in English)


Religione ed emozione. Vie dell'ansia e vie del cuore verso il divino

Conference: Religione ed emozione. Vie dell'ansia e vie del cuore verso il divino with Giuliano Boccali (University of Milan) and Farian Sabahi
Date: Saturday, September 7th, 2013 
Location: Festivaletteratura di Mantova (Basilica Palatina di Santa Barbara), Mantua
My Speech: Religion and Emotions (in Italian)
- Oral registration in "more"


Crisis, Critique and Change 

Conference: Crisis, Critique and Change (Esa 11th Conference - European Sociological Association 2013)
Date: Wednesday-Saturday, August 28-31st, 2013 
Location: Università degli Studi di Torino, Turin 
My Speech: Emotions between inclusions and exclusions from the orthodox Jewish community: The case of Sabbateans living in Prague (with Giulio Busi) (in English)


Crisis, Critique and Change 

Conference:Crisis, Critique and Change (Esa 11th Conference - European Sociological Association 2013) 
Date: Wednesday-Saturday, August 28-31st, 2013 
Location: Università degli Studi di Torino, Turin 
My Speech: Biographical Narratives and religious Sects (in English)


Social Relations in Turbulent Times

Conference: Social Relations in Turbulent Times - 10th Conference, 7th -10th September, University of Geneva
Date: Wednesday-Saturday, September 7-10th, 2011 
Location: University of Geneva, Geneva 
My Speech: Emotions, Ethnicity and Sense of Belonging among the Children of Immigrants: The Italian Case (in English)


Seconde generazioni: il passaggio dalla scuola al mercato del lavoro tra opportunità e rischi 

Conference: Seconde generazioni: il passaggio dalla scuola al mercato del lavoro tra opportunità e rischi
Date: Thursday, November 11th, 2010
Location: Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan
My Speech: Second Generation of Migrants: Changing from School to the Labour Market between opportunities and risks (in Italian)


Esa 4th Midterm Conference in Graz for the Sociology of Emotions Research Networks 

Conference: Esa 4th Midterm Conference in Graz for the Sociology of Emotions Research Networks 
Date: Wednesday-Thursday, September 29-October 2, 2010 
Location: University of Graz, Graz
My Speech: The Emotions in Every Day Life of Second Generation of Migrants and the Construction of their Identity (in English)


European Society or European Societies? 

Conference: European Society or European Societies? 
Date: Thursday-Saturday, September 2-5, 2009 
Location: ISCTE - Istituto Universitário de Lisboa -, Lisbon
My Speech: The Emotionality of Friendship in the Workplace and the Impact on the organisational Life (in English)


Le transizioni occupazionali degli operatori di call center in Lombardia e nel Nordrhein-Westfalen

Conference: Le transizioni occupazionali degli operatori di call center in Lombardia e nel Nordrhein-Westfalen
Date: Wednesday, June 7th, 2006 
Location: Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan
My Speech: Transitional Labour Markets of Call Center Operators in Lombardy and Nordrhein-Westfalen (in Italian)


Rosa Luxemburg, o la piccola differenza 

Conference: Rosa Luxemburg, o la piccola differenza
Date: Wednesday, June 14th, 2006 
Location: Università degi Studi di Milano, Milan
My Speech: Rosa Luxemburg, or the little difference (in Italian)


Il Rinascimento parla ebraico

Conference: Il Rinascimento parla ebraico
Date: Monday, January 21st, 2019 
Location: Il Ponte, Palazzo Crivelli, Milan
My Speech: The Role of Jews in the Renaissance from a sociological Perspective (in Italian)

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